
Qcleanup®, Salze und dispersive SPE-Produkte für die QuEChERS-Behandlung.

QuEChERS ist eine Probenvorbehandlung, die ursprünglich von Michelangelo Anastassiades und Steven Lehotay entwickelt wurde und hauptsächlich für die Analyse von mehreren Pestiziden in Obst und Gemüse verwendet wird. Es ist das Akronym für Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged und Safe. Derzeit werden drei Hauptmethoden verwendet – die Originalmethode, die europäisch genormte Methode EN 15662 und die offizielle AOAC-Methode 2007.01. Jede Methode erfordert einen Extraktionsprozess mit Salzen und einen Aufreinigungsprozess mit SPE-Kartuschen oder durch dispersive SPE.

AFFINISEP liefert alle Produkte, die zur Durchführung von QuEChERS nach AOAC oder CEN erforderlich sind, einschließlich dispersiver SPE-Produkte oder SPE-Kartuschen.

Qcleanup®-Produkte für dispersive SPE sind Pulvermischungen in 2mL- oder 15mL-Zentrifugationsröhrchen für die wichtigsten Szenarien, die bei Pestizidanalysen auftreten. Diese Mischung enthält eine Kombination aus Magnesiumsulfat wasserfrei (MgSO4), primärem sekundärem Amin (PSA), Carbon Black (CB) oder C18.


Product Image Produktname Description Produktpreis Warenkorb-Aktionen

Qcleanup™dSPE for Pigmentes Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE-AOAC-PFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA + 50mg Carbon Black - 100/pk -2ml tubes

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for original method

Ref. : EXT.ORL.50

4g MgSO4 -1g NaCl - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for EN15662 method

Ref. : EXT.EN.50.50

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for EN15662 method - 1g Trisodium citrate Dihydrate 0.5g Disodium hydrogencitrate sesquihydrate 1g NaCl and 4g MgSO4 - 50 in tubes of 50mL

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for EN15662 method

Ref. : EXT.EN.50

1g Trisodium citrate Dihydrate - 0.5g Disodium hydrogencitrate sesquihydrate -1g NaCl and 4g MgSO4 - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for EN15662 method

Ref. : EXT.EN.CER.50.50

1g Trisodium citrate Dihydrate 0.5g Disodium hydrogencitrate sesquihydrate 1g NaCl, 4g MgSO4 and ceramic homogenizers in a 50ml tube - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : EXT.AOAC.50

1.5g Sodium Acetate and 6g MgSO4 - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : EXT.AOAC.50.50

1.5g Sodium Acetate and 6g MgSO4 in a 50mL tube - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE universal for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.Univ.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA + 7.5mg Carbon Black +50mg C18 - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for general Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.GFV.50.15

900mg MgSO4 + 150mg PSA - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for general Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.GFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 25mg PSA - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for general Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.GFV.50.15

1200mg MgSO4 + 400mg PSA - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for general Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.GFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Pigmented Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.PFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 25mg PSA + 2.5mg Carbon Black - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Pigmented Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.PFV.50.15

900mg MgSO4 + 150mg PSA + 15mg Carbon Black in 15mL tube - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Pigmented Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.PFV.50.15

1200mg MgSO4 + 400mg PSA + 400mg Carbon Black - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Pigmented Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.PFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA + 50mg Carbon Black - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Highly Pigmented and Fatty Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.HPFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 25mg PSA + 7.5mg Carbon Black 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Highly Pigmented and Fatty Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.HPFV.50.15

900mg MgSO4 + 150mg PSA + 45mg Carbon Black - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Highly Pigmented and Fatty Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.HPFV.50.15

1200mg MgSO4 + 400mg PSA + 400mg Carbon Black + 400mg C18 - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Highly Pigmented and Fatty Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.HPFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA + 50mg Carbon Black +50mg C18 - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Fatty and Waxed Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.FWFV.50.15

900mg MgSO4 + 150mg PSA + 150mg C18 - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Fatty and Waxed Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.FWFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 25mg PSA + 25mg C18 - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Fatty and Waxed Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.FWFV.50.15

1200mg MgSO4 + 400mg PSA + 400mg C18 - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Fatty and Waxed Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.FWFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA + 50mg C18 - 2mL - 100/pk